It takes a long time for individuals who are contending for top jobs to get over losing a job. Some never do. It’s not just personal disappointment is is an arrow
One of the best gifts you can give anyone is being a good example. Modeling good thoughts, choices and actions is a gift to those that you influence and
Our most basic leadership maxim is “Set expectations, inspect what you expect and you get what you tolerate.” How well do you set expectations? If you don’t set clear expectations
One of the best ways to make yourself more valuable is to be a resource for all things your clients need to succeed. A great way to do this is
Verbal eloquence consists of kindly saying all that is necessary and no that that is unnecessary.
Dreams ought to pilot your choices and shape the landscape of your life. You are the author of your life and your dreams are the substance of your heart. When
Who is interested in accomplishing 35% more tomorrow than you did yesterday? How can you do it? FOCUS. Radical focus on what is most important. Take a minute and make
There is no such thing as a self made man/woman. We are not designed to live in isolation and we need each other. Each of us has talents and gifts
Résumé virtues are the skills you bring to the marketplace. Eulogy virtues are the ones that are talked about at your funeral – whether you were kind, brave, honest, loyal,
When you are experiencing conflict with someone it is important to make sure you are speaking healing words instead of wounding words. It may take more time, and it will